Preparing Chamomile Tea with your Stainless Steel Grinder

Grinders are not just for what you think they're for. They can (and are) used to prepare teas! I like to use my stainless steel grinder for preparing chamomile tea from natural chamomile flowers, and I'm going to show you how I prepare this so you too can enjoy this elevating experience!

I like my tea hot, so what you'll read applies to hot teas. Don't worry, you can easily translate this to iced tea as well!

Why bother grinding chamomile in the first place?

More surface area = less steep time OR stronger tea for the same steep time.

How to Prepare Chamomile Tea with your Stainless Steel Grinder

What you need:

Prep Steps

1. Boil the water

Pot. Kettle. Microwave. Doesn't matter, boil to your preference!

Follow the next steps while you wait.


2. Grind the chamomile using your stainless steel grinder

Place the chamomile leaves in the grinder and grind away. Chamomile is easy to grind, and this step should not take much effort or time.


3. Fill tea bag with chamomile

After grinding, place your grounded chamomile in your tea bag and seal it with the string.


4. Place tea bag in cup of choice and fill cup with the hot water

I like to place the tea bag in an empty mug and let the water run along the bag as I fill it up. I feel as if it activates a tad bit faster, but for this step feel free to steep your tea as you see fit for as long as you want!


5. Enjoy!

Easy and simple, right? You can easily do this with any dry loose tea material you like. And with grinding, you'll get a much more powerful flavor from your teas, so if that's what you're looking for, consider grabbing our stainless steel grinder! And for those who want to use less material for your tea, grinding it allows you to use less for the same great taste!


I never thought these grinders could be used for consuming tea. But with a little experimenting, I discovered something that elevated my experience with tea to a level I believe everyone should experience at least once in their lives.

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