Why Buy Stainless Steel Grinders?

tl;dr: Stainless steel grinders last forever, are as attractive as they are functional, and are made from a material that's standard in food prep. Also, buy ours 😉.

Sticker shock is real. One can't imagine paying more than $100 for what looks to be a simple grinder, right? So why on Earth do stainless steel grinders cost so much? And why should I buy one? Are stainless steel grinders worth it?

Follow along. I'll make this quick 😉.

Why you should consider stainless steel grinders.

1. They're built to last virtually a lifetime.

Stainless steel is a material that's incredibly durable. This material is extremely corrosion resistant and can hold its sharpness for an absurdly lengthy period of time. This makes it suitable for grinding herbs, as herbs are soft , so the teeth are not subject to excessive wear to begin with.

2. They're sexy.

Sure, you can pull out your garden-variety grinder during a session with your friends and carry on like it doesn't exist.

But once you pull out a quality stainless steel grinder, you can bet that its presence alone will peak your friend's interest and spark very interesting conversations surrounding it (or about the quality of anything in general, really).

People tend to hold others who have a genuine and intentional eye for quality in high regard. And with a stainless steel grinder, this is all but guaranteed.

3. They're healthier for you. Seriously.

There's a reason why you will not find aluminum or zinc kitchen knives for sale. Those materials make terrible choices for food prep and are regarded as unsafe because of their properties.

Aluminum is soft. With enough wear cycles, aluminum will break down. In grinder form, this means aluminum shavings coming from the teeth, sprinkled onto your herb. Consuming aluminum is a no-go, full stop. For me, I use my herb grinder for chamomile tea. Just thinking about gulping down those shavings worries me.

Zinc is stronger than aluminum, we'll give it that. But most, if not all, zinc grinders come in colors, meaning they are all painted. Paint is not metal (although some may have metal in them). Therefore, they will absolutely flake and peel off. To be honest, we'd rather face the threat of aluminum than risk consuming any paint material.

Stainless steel is strong. You're silverware is composed of it for a reason. Your knives (if you didn't go the titanium route) are made of it for a reason. This material is extremely durable, stays sharp, and is virtually impervious to rusting or corrosion (just keep it away from anything with chloride, like salt and bleach).


Grinders are an important part of our routine, whether it be for cooking, enjoying tea, or preparing our favorite herbs. And it's important to know what our grinders are made of, for the above reasons.

Stainless steel grinders are the way to go. They're a worthy investment, made to last a very, very long time.

Take a look at ours! We have a solid selection of stainless steel grinders that'll last you a lifetime, and are backed by our lifetime warranty.

Thanks for reading!

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