Why you should buy a Titanium Grinder

tl;dr: Titanium > Stainless Steel > Actual Poison > Aluminum. Also, look at ours.

It feels like titanium is suddenly making this big surge to the market. From phones, to knives and everything in between, people are starting to recognize the strength, beauty, and durability that accompanies this precious metal.

To our surprise, there are very, very few titanium grinders on the market. With all the benefits titanium brings, we decided to introduce one to the US market! Here's why we believe titanium grinders are worth it.

As usual, we'll make this quick 😉.

Why you should consider a Titanium Grinder.

1. They're built to last a lifetime. And several more after.

Titanium is an inherently very strong metal. Carefully designed grinders made of titanium will last multiple lifetimes by default, as the workload that a titanium grinder will regularly face will be far, far below the amount of work required to wear it down.

2. They're easy to maintain.

Titanium grinders are over-engineered to last multiple lifetimes. Due to the nature of which grinders are used, titanium grinders almost never require strong cleaners to maintain them. Isopropyl alcohol soaks or soap and water will do the job just fine. Thread-less titanium grinders (like ours) almost never need cleaning.

3. They're well-supported by the companies who make them.

No matter where you buy your titanium grinder, know that there's a very strong chance that the company behind the grinder will support you with any of your concerns throughout your ownership of your grinder. We say this because not only do we know the cost and effort required to create these grinders in the first place, we truly believe that your titanium grinder will serve you for decades with zero issues whatsoever.


As light as aluminum. As strong as stainless steel. Titanium grinders are unequivocally the best herb grinders ever made. Its light weight means it won't be a chore to grind your favorite herbs. Its strength means virtually zero wearing of the teeth, promising you lifetime on lifetime of seamless grinding. Titanium grinders are truly meant to be the apogee of all herb grinders.

Take a look at our titanium grinder, the ONLY titanium grinder currently being sold within the United States!

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